Are your weekly workers compensation payments likely to change?

In 2012, government policy regarding worker’s entitlement to weekly payments of compensation changed including limiting the right to receive weekly payments to a maximum of 5 years.

October 2017 marks the fifth anniversary of these laws and so insurers are required to assess workers receiving weekly compensation payments to ascertain whether or not they will be able to continue receiving benefits.

How will these changes affect you?

If your whole person impairment assessment is:

  • Up to 10% – You’re entitled to claim medical expenses for up to 2 years after the date of the claim or the date weekly payments were last received, whichever is later.
  • Between 10% to 20% – You’re entitled to claim medical expenses for a period of 5 years after the date of the claim or the date weekly payments were last received, whichever is later.
  • Greater than 20% – You’re exempt from these changes and are entitled to claim medical treatment for life.

Importantly, these restrictions, don’t apply to compensation in respect of the provision of crutches, artificial limbs, hearing aids or spectacles, modification of a worker’s home or vehicle and secondary surgery.

The assessment of whole person impairment conducted by the insurer is not final however and if you are concerned about being assessed for this before the deadline, consult a workers compensation specialist like Masselos & Co (call directly on (02) 8268 3200 or via email

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